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The SGAE Nova Autoria 2024 Awards go to Students from the ESCAC, ECIB and La Casa del Cine

Reading 3 min.


The SGAE Nova Autoria Awards are in collaboration with the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, and are part of the Festival's official list of winners. This year the jury consisted of director and screenwriter Jaume Balagueró; screenwriter, director and actress Aina Clotet, and film and television composer Francesc Gener. The finalists - 10 works selected from among 43 projects from 18 Catalan universities and film schools - were screened as part of the Noves Visions section.

The award for best direction/production went ex aequo to Blava Terra by Marine Auclair (ESCAC) for, according to the jury, “knowing how to captivate and intrigue us with a dystopian but at the same time surprisingly close and plausible story”, and to DARU/N (MADRE/FALLECIDA) by Benjamin Hindrichs (La Casa del Cine), “for how, with an enviable narrative economy and in a precise and sincere way, he is able to fascinate us with a story that teaches us that, through the smallest and most intimate things, the biggest and most important things can be explained”. DARU/N (MADRE/FALLECIDA) also won the award for best screenplay “for the honesty of the story, the sensitivity and subtlety of each sequence, and the ability to talk about many issues with a profound vision”.

The award for best original music went to De-sastre, by Yuliya Protasova (ECIB), “for accompanying this animated story with a coherent and very successful musical discourse, both in the motifs used in its characters and in its subsequent development and different variations, and for achieving its own narrative discourse parallel to that of the story, which both complements and enhances it”.

In addition, the jury honored with special mentions two animated short films, Flamin' Hot and Baile con la muerte from La Salle Campus Barcelona, and the documentary Azadi from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Màster en Teoria i Pràctica del Documental Creatiu (Master in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary).

The ceremony to read the final decisions was conducted by the members of the jury and was attended by the Mayor of the Sitges Town Hall, Aurora Carbonell; the director of the Sitges Foundation, Mònica García Massagué; the General Director of the SGAE Foundation, Rubén Gutiérrez, and the Director of Customer Experience and Director of the SGAE in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Luis Gómez

The SGAE Continues its Collaboration with ICEC - Catalan Films

The SGAE Nova Autoria Awards promote and disseminate the emerging talent from film schools and universities around Catalonia. For this reason, we continue our alliance with the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals - Catalan Films (Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises - Catalan Films) to make it possible, also, outside Spain.

The SGAE Foundation and the Catalan Films internationalization unit will jointly organize an informative session on festival strategy and internationalization for the creators of the winning films. 


Blava terra (20 min) by Marine Auclair March

Screenplay: David Junyent i Marine Auclair March. Original music: Niamh Ní Mheara. Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC)


DARU/N (MOTHER/DIE) (14 min) by Benjamin Hindrichs

Screenplay: Benjamin Hindrichs. The House of Cinema


De-sastre (8 min) by Tommaso Mangiacotti, Marolyn Ávila Constanza Melio, Maria Antonieta Fernández i Kuang Yi Lee

Screenplay: Kuang Yi Lee, Maria Antonieta Fernández, Constanza Melio, Marolyn Ávila, Tommaso Mangiacotti and special thanks to Karen Córdoba. Original music: Yuliya Protasova. Barcelona Film School (ECIB)


Azadi (21 min) by Lily-Eileen Uxía Baker Föhring, Juan Luis Ortega Navarrete i Luciana Espinoza Hoempler

Screenplay: Lily-Eileen Uxía Baker Föhring, Juan Luis Ortega Navarrete i Luciana Espinoza Hoempler. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Màster en Teoria i Pràctica del Documental Creatiu (Master in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary)

Dance with death (4 min) by Berta Alsinet, Paula Anglàs, Nuria Aranda, Martina Barney, Joan Cortit, Laia Domene, David Martin, Carlota Massó, Roger Menta, Victor Moya and Gisela Torras.

Screenplay: David Martín, Carlota Massó, Gisela Torras, Víctor Moya i Laia Domene. Original music: Roger Garcia Masó, Oriol Monfar, Albert Llobet, Jordi Barrera, David Docampo i Ferran Barbany. La Salle Campus Barcelona - Ramon Llull University

Flamin' Hot (2 min) by Clàudia Romeo Cassadò, Paula Othmer Pérez, Alícia Garcίa Iniesta, Adrià Carballada Mallofré, Leanora Schnog Barriga, Bernardo Oliveira Mesquita, Marlon Anthony Hugi Zapata i Pol Córcoles Serra

Screenplay: Alícia García Iniesta. La Salle Campus Barcelona - Ramon Llull University
