Reflections on the Virtual Universe with a Humorous Touch are Featured in Sitges' Newest Campaign
04 Oct 2022
Reading 2 min.
Ivan and Angy speculate about the implications of the digital world in CHINA's latest spot for the Sitges Film Festival
This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the release of Tron, the science fiction classic that first spoke to us about virtual worlds and artificial intelligence. To celebrate the occasion, the CHINA agency, with the collaboration of the Garage Films production company, has joined in the tribute that the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is paying it by creating the promotional spot once again this year, directed by filmmaker Sebas Alfie.
In this unique piece, two neighborhood friends in a scrapyard reflect, with a certain restlessness and unexpected insight, on some of the questions that Tron raised forty years ago: how virtual worlds will affect us or how far artificial intelligence can go, two issues that are still very relevant and for which four decades later we are starting to suspect some of the answers. Regarding the ideation process, the team at CHINA explains: "We were amused by the idea of approaching such a complex and profound topic from an unexpected place. Because not everything is going to be Nolans and Kubricks, we also wanted to hear the vision of equally fascinating characters such as Angy or Ivan.”
To play these peculiar friends, they relied on the collaboration of actors Iván Massagué and Angy Fernández. Sebas Alfie, director of the spot, says: "We wanted to achieve humor with credible performances, bringing viewers closer to the characters' thoughts and concerns. And it has been a privilege to be able to rely on Angy and Iván's talent.”
This audiovisual piece completes the campaign in honor of the 40th anniversary of Tron initiated by CHINA, which in its first phase included a creative campaign in digital and outdoor media that combined the retro-futuristic aesthetics of the film with the iconic Sitges Film Festival gorilla.
The spot can be seen on TV3, in theaters and during screenings at the Festival itself, as well as on our YouTube channel.
CHINA Agency
Creative Team:
Rafa Antón, Rafa Gil and Darío Busto
Agency Producer:
Esther García – We are CP
Illustration, motion and poster’s graphic design:
Sergi Delgado and Álvaro Toimil
Garage Films:
Sebas Alfie
Executive Producer:
Kepa Vizcay
Production Manager:
Natalia García Ruf
Production Assistant:
Israel Aliño
Production Assistant:
Celia Alonso
Director of Photography:
Rafa Reparaz
Hugo González
Art Director:
Rubén Cerviñón
Sabrina Lázaro/Juana Alfie
Make up:
Nieves Arranz
Vicente Alvarez
Camera equipment:
Lighting equipment:
Kilowatios Luz
Fake Studio
Sound Studio:
La Panadería
Trafalgar 13
Angy Fernández and Iván Massagué
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