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Sitges2023 in Detail
04 Oct 2023
Reading 1 min.
This year the Festival arrives with a record-breaking edition in every sense of the word: the best contemporary genre films, endless activities, industry events and a myriad of guests.
There is just one day left before the kick-off of the 56th SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia, which this year pays tribute to the 60th anniversary of 'The Birds' by preparing a high-flying edition. If last year we already obtained some incredible numbers that surpassed the pre-pandemic ones, this year they continue to beat all records. From October 5th to the 15th, you can enjoy a total of 369 cinematic works, spread out among the official sections, the Brigadoon section and Sitges Family, and which can be seen at 7 different theaters. Adding up the official sections alone, the total comes to 182 feature films and 67 short films. Among all of them, we'll have the opportunity to enjoy 13 international premieres and more than 350 top-tier guests, who will (most of them) be parading down one of the 22 red carpets that will be taking place.
When it comes to activities beyond the strictly cinematic ones, the numbers continue to be impressive: a total of 8 live podcasts, 3 terrifying exhibitions will be on display and 2 official books will be presented.
So pack your bags, Sitges 2023 is waiting for us!