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Sustainability Conference #1

Sustainable filming: new professional profiles, subsidies, certifications

The Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC), through the Business Development Service (SDE) and the Catalonia Film Commission (CFC), is organizing a conference aimed at professionals in the audiovisual sector as part of the 56th Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.

The day will open with a round table on new professional profiles around filming and sustainability, will continue with the explanation of the lines of subsidy offered by the ICEC to cover expenses and a case of producer that has already requested them and will continue with an explanation of the Green Film certification and its application to the filming of “This is not Sweden”, of Funicular Films, the first Catalan series certified with this seal. In the afternoon, there will be a practical workshop aimed at screenwriters, producers and directors led by Eneko Muruzabal, from Bilibin Circular, to talk about content and development.

This conference is part  of the Pla_C* Culture for Climate, the ICEC’s environmental sustainability plan aimed at companies in the cultural sector, articulated in 3 strategic axes, 16 lines of action and 37 actions that will be deployed between 2022 and 2024. The plan aims to accompany the transformation of the sector towards a more sustainable model and promote the capacity of culture to inspire a change in citizens; on the other hand, it also foresees that the ICEC will make internal changes to incorporate environmental sustainability into the organization.

  • Private event.
  • Pre-registration required.


Conference program: morning session
  • 10:00h – 10:15h

    Welcome by the Catalan Institute of Cultural Companies (ICEC)


  • 10:15h – 11:15h

    New professional profiles: ecoconsultants and ecomanagers.
    Table to talk about the different figures and professional profiles that are emerging in the field of sustainable filming and bring sectors together: environmental consultants and audiovisual professionals.

    With the participation of:
    Sandra Magro, Mrs. Green Film.
    Adrià Gelabert, Anthesis Lavola.
    Izaskun Llagostera, Econimbus.

    Emma Quadrada, journalist and cultural manager, specialized in culture and sustainability.


  • 11:15h – 11:45h

    Coffee Break


  • 11:45h – 12:15h

    Explanation of the subsidy lines offered by the ICEC and case of good practices with La Kaseta.
    Discussion moderated by Laia Sanahuja, head of Pla*C Cultura por el Clima, is dedicated to explaining the different subsidy lines offered by the ICEC through Pla*C to cover expenses related to sustainability in audiovisual production. Explanation accompanied by the experience of the production company La Kaseta in applying for these subsidies.

    With the participation of:
    David Fontseca, La Kaseta.
    Susanna Méndez, ecoassistant.

    Laia Sanahuja, head of Pla*C Culture for Climate.


  • 12:15h – 13:15h

    Explanation of the Green Film certification and case of good practices.
    This panel, moderated by Carlota Guerrero, coordinator of the Catalunya Film Commission, brings together the different professionals who have been involved in the filming from “Això no és Suècia” by Funicular Films, the first Catalan series to qualify for the Green Film certificate.

    With the participation of:
    Jordina Casals, Funicular Films.
    Oliver Lupiáñez, K is for Knowledge.
    Natàlia Ejarque, Mayo Films and Fundació La Marató.

    Carlota Guerrero, head of the Catalunya Film Commission.


  • 13:15h – 13:45h

    Questions and closing.

    Emma Quadrada: journalist and cultural manager.
    Susana Méndez: expert in Communication & Sustainability.
    David Fontseca: director, producer and documentary filmmaker.
    Sandra Magro: CEO of Mr. GreenFilms.
    Adrià Gelabert: responsible for commercial strategy, customer relations and opening new markets for Anthesis.
    Izaskun Llagostera: CEO of Econimbus.
    Jordina Casals: sustainability coordinator for the series 'Això no és Suècia'.
    Oliver Lupiáñez: sustainability project manager for feature films, television series and advertisements.
    Natàlia Ejarque: audiovisual producer. Eco Assistente of the filming of the series 'Això no és Suècia' by Funicular Films and Nanouk, the first national series to obtain the Green Film seal.

Image of the Sustainability Conference poster